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Private Investigators – Precise Blog – Should I do a background check on my future spouse

Should I Do a Background Check On My Future Spouse?

Private Investigators, the world over, have been called upon to provide background checks on people, whether they’re husbands, wives, CEOs, executives or just a new employee, time and time again – a background check is a simple way to ensure that people are who they say they are.

Imagine you’ve met the love of your life. S/he is kind, attentive, adventurous and joyful. You’ve been together for three years and life is great!

Now imagine that one day, while you’re lying on the sofa together, watching your favourite TV show, there’s a knock on the door. You go to see who’s there and you find that two men have been summoned to repossess $100,000’s worth of goods.

It turns out that your partner used to have a serious gambling problem that rode them into debt and now your life is being affected too.

It’s not uncommon for people to hide things from the ones they love, especially when taking into consideration that sharing certain information may jeopardise the chance of a perfect relationship.

The question is, would you have continued to date that person if you knew about their financial / gambling problems? Maybe you would – but knowing what you were dealing with, upfront, would have made your lives easier because you’d both have been able to plan things properly and go about making amends.

Running a background check can give you the peace of mind that you need and potentially prevent your live from taking a turn for the worse. It’s only due to the negative connotations surrounding these checks (thank you Hollywood), that people avoid using them… but a background check can save your life, it can save your business and it can prevent major upsets down the line.

Here’s an interesting article from that delves into the reasons for running a background check on your spouse, and why it might be a good idea. It also covers what we, as Private Investigators, usually look for and what we tend to uncover. Just click here to read more.

Precise Investigation offers a multitude of Private Investigation services, including background checks, so if you’re ever in doubt about who someone is, or whether they are who they say they are, then running a background check is a sure-fire way to establish the truth.

Call Precise Investigation today on 1300 856 011 for a professional, Private Investigation Service

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Image credit: Thank you Wikipedia:

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