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We have great private investigators and detectives, but never underestimate the power of Facebook and other social media.
One woman, in search of her biological parents, found her apparent birth mother and father after posting a picture of herself on Facebook. On Jan. 27, Jenessa Simons shared a photo of herself holding a handwritten sign with her birth information. Two days later, her birth mother reached out to her.
Simons’ search began when she was 18, but she had to wait three years before submitting paperwork to the government. She decided to try her luck on Facebook while waiting, after seeing the success of other posters who had received a million likes for a lost puppy.
Her photo included what little information she knew: her birthday, hospital, parents’ dates of birth and contact information. They were 16 at the time, and they named her Whitney. The image spread quickly, with more than 14,000 likes and 160,763 shares at time of writing.
On Tuesday, Simons announced on Facebook that she found her birth mother and, later, contact information for her birth father. A high school friend of the two contacted Simons’ biological mother, who got in touch with the 21-year-old.
She was skeptical at first, until the woman sent her baby pictures Simons’ adoptive mother had given her.
If you have lost a family member, friend or relative please get professional help. Companies like Precise Investigation can help. We have private detectives and investigators all over Australia who can help. You can hire an experienced private detective or investigator in your local area, whether it is Melbourne or Sydney or any other state. Maybe we can put your story on our We have great private investigators and detectives, but never underestimate the power of Facebook and other social media.
Take Jenessa Simons for example: on 27th January she posted a picture of herself on Facebook, holding a hand-written sign detailing her birth information. Just two days later, her birth mother found the image and initiated contact with her.
Jenessa’s search began when she was eighteen years old but, with the three-year timeframe surrounding the paperwork she issued to the government, she decided to try her luck on social media, after seeing the immense success of posts regarding lost pets, which sometimes won over a million comments, shares and likes.
The image Jenessa posted contained only the basic details of her birth, at least the information that she new for sure was true: the hospital at which she was born, the exact date and the dates of birth of her parents, along with some contact information. The image went somewhat viral, with more than 14,000 people “liking” the post and 160,000 more sharing it at the time of writing.
That Tuesday, Jenessa announced on Facebook that she’d managed to locate her birth mother and contact information for her biological father. A high school friend of the two contacted her biological mother, who in turn got in touch with the then twenty-one-year old. It was later discovered that her parents were just sixteen when she was conceived, and so went about putting her up for adoption.
Precise Investigation takes a very different approach to the government when it comes to skip tracing and location services – with our three decades’ experience in the field, along with unrivalled expertise and a vast network of skip tracing professionals, we have the means to locate missing people, assets and more with great rates of success.
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If you have lost a family member, friend or relative please get professional help. Companies like Precise Investigation can help. We have private detectives and investigators all over Australia who can help. You can hire an experienced private detective or investigator in your local area, whether it is Melbourne or Sydney or any other state. Maybe we can put your story on our Facebook site as well!
Image credit – Facebook