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Private Investigators – Precise Blog – Botched Background Check Cost Him The Job Offer

Shoddy Background Check Cost Him the Job:

When conducting a background check, you’d think that any professional organisation who provided them would follow up with accurate results, right?

Well it turns out that one particular company, Sterling Infosystems, which claims to be “the world’s largest company focused entirely on background checks,” may have cost an innocent man his job.

Kevin Jones applied to be a doorman for a company called Halstead Management, who then went on to pass his information over to Sterling Infosystems to run a simple background check.

Jones later discovered that his offer for the job was rescinded after Halstead Management found him to have been convicted of several misdemeanours.

You can read more about the story on New York Daily News’ website, or by clicking here.

Jones filed a class-action lawsuit against Sterling Infosystems as a means to ensure that nobody else goes through the same experience that he did.

Precise Investigation is proud to offer professional background checks on a personal level. We don’t run information through bulk, automated databases – we analyse what we’re given to systematically uncover reputable data.

If you’d like to run a background check, you’d be protecting yourself from potentially life-ruining decisions and ensuring that the people you’re trusting are as dependable as they say.

Call Precise Investigation today on 1300 856 011 for a professional, Private Investigation Service

Whether you’re in Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, Perth, Sydney, Adelaide or any other city in Australia, Precise Investigation can help.


Image credit: Thank you, Brandon Grasely from flickr

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