Precise Inevstigation
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Private Investigators – Precise Blog – Precise Investigation To The Rescue

Precise Investigation To The Rescue:

Believe it or not, our subject isn’t always a person.

Take this case in Victoria for example whereby the subject (or shall we say subjects) were actually small defenceless puppies. This particular case came after local law enforcement agencies were investigating a public tip-off into the wellbeing of over 100 pups at an alleged breeder, who was carrying out intense breeding activities at the expense of the animals in its care.

Our team at Precise Investigation were contracted to investigate and report on the sensitive situation at hand.

Definitely not a simple open and shut case. While reporting on the conditions of the facility, and the animals it housed, this investigation involved our team applying a shrewd mix of smarts, strategy and tactics. After, all our team were required to capture proof on the premises without actually going onto the property – no mean feat for any investigator. Nevertheless, it can be done… especially by us.

Before long, our thorough investigative work had found the answers and (most importantly) captured the evidence that was needed to successfully charge the operators with multiple offences under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act as well as running an unlicensed business from their home premises.

This was one of the few exceptionally rewarding cases that we get to work on, where our fast and fastidious work truly paid off! Thanks to Precise Investigation, the mistreated dogs were safely removed and placed in the right care where they received clean and comfortable pens with food, water and new toys.

On the long road to recovery, the rescued pups were also provided care from specialist vets and an animal behavioural team to assist with their full rehabilitation.

The scary thing is, this isn’t an isolated incident. Last year, alone, one community animal protection shelter received 10,708 cruelty complaints related to 17,995 alleged animal cruelty offences.

So, as you can see, our investigative work is just as much needed to protect the rights of animals, as it is that of humans – and, here at Precise Investigation, we are just happy we have the opportunity to help whenever we can.

If you think you, someone you know or even an animal in distress could benefit from the services of a professional private investigator, or team thereof, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Call Precise Investigation today on 1300 856 011 for a professional, Private Investigation Service

We have trained operatives based at numerous locations around the country, meaning that Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Adelaide, Hobart, Brisbane and even the more remote areas of Australia are well within our reach and residents, whether corporate or domestic, can all make use of our unrivalled private investigation services.

PLEASE NOTE: To protect the privacy of our clients, all names, figures and addresses have been changed to protect the innocent and the accused. We have chosen fictitious names, addresses and photographs to represent real people and their stories

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